Thursday, July 25, 2024

List Of Foods That Can Cause Gout

Organ Meats Are Extremely High In Purines And Should Also Be Avoided

20 Foods For Gout: Best Foods

Organ meats, known as Offal, contain by far the most purines of any food in the human diet.

The most common forms of offal in the Western diet include liver , brain, heart, kidneys, and a mixture called Pâté.

Below is the purine content of a handful of foods. Note this is just an example Ive selected, and you can find much more extensive lists on Goutpal or here.

Purine Content of Food :

Consider that values listed are per 100 grams, so portion sizes must be taken into account Meat portions we eat tend to be heaviest.

Previous studies have not differentiated between intake of conventional meat and offal, so recommendations have to be the same. Given the strong link between meat intake and gout which is based on purine content alone offal should definitely be avoided too.

Somewhat contradictory to the purine-gout theory, consumption of purine-rich vegetables is not associated with an increased risk of gout .

Researchers speculate this could be due to a lower bioavailability of purines in vegetabes, as well as other nutrients which may offset the harmful effects of their purines.

Summary: Organ meats are some of the highest purine foods and should be completely avoided if you suffer gout attacks.

Is There A Test For Gout

There is no one test for gout, and its symptoms are similar to several different conditions. To see if you have gout, your health care provider may:

  • Ask you to provide your medical history, including:
  • Your symptoms.
  • Any other medical problems you have.
  • Any medications you are taking.
  • Examine the affected joints.
  • Order laboratory tests, take a sample of fluid from one of your painful joints, or order imaging tests.
  • First Foods That Can Help

    • There are actually several types of foods that may help protect against gout attacks. These include low-fat dairy foods, complex carbohydrates, coffee, and fruits, especially citrus fruits. You should also be sure to get 12 to 16 cups of fluid daily.
    • You don’t necessarily have to drink only wateryou can choose non-sweetened juice, tea, and coffee too.
    • Any kind of fluid that keeps that blood flowing and urine flowing is a good choice, says Lona Sandon, PhD, RDN, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

    Next up: The foods to avoid. Read on for a list of potentially problematic eats.

    Scallops are okay for an occasional indulgence, but you should cut back on themand all types of meat and seafoodduring a flare-up, says Sandon. These animal foods are rich in purines, which your body breaks down into uric acid.

    You have a little more freedom in your food choices when your gout is at bay, but its still a good idea to keep meat and seafood intake to a minimum4 to 6 ounces daily at most.

    All meat is not created equal when it comes to purine content: White meat is generally better than red.

    But it is okay to eat some types of red meat once in a while. Youre a bit better off if your occasional indulgence is beef or pork rather than lamb, says Dr. Zashin.

    And lamb chops are a better choice than leg meat.

    Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads, are a major no-no.

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    How Do You Get Gout

    How does uric acid acid get in your body?

    Uric acid is a waste product produced when our body breaks down chemicals called purines. Purines are found in our tissues as well as in some types of food we eat.

    It builds up when we are either making too much uric acid or when we arent able to get rid of it quickly enough.

    Some common chronic diseases make this more likely and are risk factors for this type of inflammatory arthritis.

    Risk factors that can be decreased with lifestyle changes :

  • Unhealthy Diet
  • Warmth
  • Swelling
  • These symptoms often come in waves with an acute attack lasting days to weeks at a time. Repeated attacks can lead to more chronic gouty arthritis, in which people feel pain that is ongoing although usually less severe than the classic flares.

    What Can You Drink If You Have Gout

    Understanding Gout (Gouty Arthritis)

    Foods arenât the only thing that can affect uric acid. What you drink matters, too.

    Itâs a good idea to drink lots of fluids — 8 to 16 cups a day. At least half of what you drink should be water. Vitamin C also can help lower uric acid, but studies also show that the high fructose in OJ may boost uric acid levels, so drink it in moderation. Caffeinated coffee can cut uric acid, too, as long as you donât overdo it.


    Stay away from sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice. You also may need to limit or avoid alcohol as well. Talk with your doctor to find out whatâs right for you.

    While a healthy diet can help control how much uric acid is in your system, you may still need medicine to prevent future attacks. Talk with your doctor about all your treatment options.

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    Using Tart Cherry Juice For Gout

    Tart cherry juice may help decrease uric acid levels and inflammation in gout. Research is limited, with often small numbers of study participants and short-term follow-up.

    Nevertheless, a 2019 review of six studies that looked at the effect of cherry juice or cherry extract intake on gout concluded that cherry intake was associated with a reduced risk of gout attacks. Researchers did note that larger, more long-term studies are needed to clarify this association.

    When choosing tart cherry juice, be sure to look for unsweetened varieties to help reduce the amount of added sugar in your diet.

    Points To Remember About Gout

    • Gout is a type of arthritis that causes pain and swelling in your joints, usually as flares that last for a week or two, and then go away.
    • With early diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle changes, gout is one of the most controllable forms of arthritis.
    • The most common symptom of gout is pain in the affected joint, such as the big toe.
    • Your doctor may recommend taking medications to manage the cause of your gout and treat active gout flares, and making changes to your diet and lifestyle.

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    Plenty Of Starchy Carbohydrates

    These may include rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, couscous, quinoa, barley or oats, and should be included at each meal time. These foods contain only small amounts of purines, so these along with fruit and vegetables should make up the basis of your meals. Wholegrain varieties are better choices as they contain more fibre and nutrients.

    Uric Acid Purines And Gout

    The Best Diet for Gout: What to Eat and Avoid

    Gout is a common chronic condition affecting the joints. It is caused by a build-up of uric acid in the bloodstream that forms urate crystals that are deposited into the joints, which causes inflammation, swelling, and severe pain.

    The body filters out uric acid through the kidneys and it is excreted through urine. The amount of uric acid in your body can become too high if you eat a diet high in purines, the body produces too much, or if your body isnt able to excrete it quick enough.

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    Gout And Diet: Foods And Drinks To Avoid

    Gout is an arthritic condition that can cause sudden, severe joint pain. If you are experiencing symptoms of gout, the NHS recommends that you see a doctor for treatment during an attack and to help prevent further attacks.

    We asked Emer Delaney, a dietitian who has worked in some of London’s top teaching hospitals, to explain how diet and lifestyle can affect the condition.

    Choose A Diet You Can Live With

    If you are overweight, losing weight can protect you from gout flare-ups. However, losing weight fast can do more harm than good for gout, as rapid weight loss can raise uric acid levels in your bloodstream. Avoid fad diets and “crash” diets. Consider consulting a dietician, who can help you choose a diet plan that works for you.

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    What Foods Should You Avoid

    If youre susceptible to sudden gout attacks, avoid the main culprits high-purine foods.

    These are foods that contain more than 200 mg of purines per 3.5 ounces .

    You should also avoid high-fructose foods, as well as moderately-high-purine foods, which contain 150200 mg of purines per 3.5 ounces. These may trigger a gout attack.

    Here are a few major high-purine foods, moderately-high-purine foods and high-fructose foods to avoid (

    • meats: These include liver, kidneys, sweetbreads and brain
    • meats: Examples include pheasant, veal and venison
    • Fish: Herring, trout, mackerel, tuna, sardines, anchovies, haddock and more
    • seafood: Scallops, crab, shrimp and roe
    • Sugary beverages: Especially fruit juices and sugary sodas
    • Added sugars: Honey, agave nectar and high-fructose corn syrup
    • Yeasts: Nutritional yeast, brewers yeast and other yeast supplements

    Additionally, refined carbs like white bread, cakes and cookies should be avoided. Although they are not high in purines or fructose, they are low in nutrients and may raise your uric acid levels (

    Summary: If you have gout, you should avoid foods like organ meats, game meats, fish and seafood, sugary beverages, refined carbs, added sugars and yeast.

    Where Can I Get Advice About My Diet

    The 25+ best Gout remedies ideas on Pinterest

    An accredited practising dietitian can provide you with personalised advice to give you the confidence to eat in a way that is best for you. APDs are university-qualified experts in nutrition and dietetics and are committed to the Dietitians Association of Australias Code of Professional Conduct, continuing professional development and providing quality services.

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    Whats The Outlook For People With Gout

    Untreated gout can lead to permanent joint damage. The buildup of uric acid in the joints and soft tissue is called tophus. Some people with gout can also develop other health problems, such as severe arthritis, kidney stones and heart disease. Its important to discuss your symptoms with a healthcare provider.

    Achieve A Healthy Weight

    Obesity may be a primary consideration to reduce levels of uric acid in the blood. Insulin resistance is commonly seen in those who are obese and it may be involved in the development of gout. Insulin resistance has been shown to decrease the amount of uric acid that is cleared in the urine. A condition known as the ‘metabolic syndrome’ is a cluster of symptoms which includes insulin resistance, along with tummy obesity, high blood pressure and abnormal blood fats – for example, high cholesterol. This condition is strongly associated with high uric acid levels, which can be improved with slow, gradual weight loss.

    Weight loss has been shown to improve insulin resistance and therefore reduce uric acid levels in the blood. However, it is important to avoid strict diets such as low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets. These may increase consumption of purines, a compound that breaks down into uric acid. Additionally, rapid weight loss through strict dieting can result in breakdown of tissue. This can temporarily cause a rise in uric acid levels. A gradual, safe weight loss of 1-2 lbs a week can help to achieve an optimal body weight.

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    What Is Gout And What Causes It

    Before we can look at foods to avoid with gout, it is necessary to briefly understand what it is.

    Gout is a form of joint inflammation, caused by excessive uric acid in circulation .

    When the bodys natural uric acid threshold is exceeded, painful crystals can form in and around the joints. These crystals trigger the characteristic symptoms and pain.

    Not everybody with high uric acid levels will get gout, but those who do always have high uric acid levels. This indicates there are other factors at play, but from a dietary perspective uric acid is the focus.

    Excessive uric acid in the blood stream is typically driven by two factors: genetic predisposition and the ingestion of high-purine foods. Obviously, the dietary factor we can control.

    When purines we eat are broken down and metabolised by the body, uric acid is formed as a by-product of this process. Its normal and healthy for uric acid to be formed, but excessive amounts are problematic.

    Therefore, consuming less purine-rich foods should lower uric acid levels in your blood, lowering gout risk.

    At least, in theory.

    Its actually not that clear-cut because other nutrients appear to aggravate gout symptoms too

    Heres a list of foods to avoid if you have gout, based on real scientific evidence.

    Instead Of Seafood And Shellfish Eat Fish In Moderation

    20 Foods to Avoid for Gout

    Seafood and shellfish are high in purine and should be avoided to reduce the risk of gout flare. Some fish, including salmon, sole, tuna, catfish, red snapper, tilapia, flounder, and whitefish are lower in purine than other types of fish, and can be included in your diet in moderation if you are not consuming other purine-rich foods.

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    What Foods To Avoid

    Many of the foods you want to avoid are meats and seafood. Meats such as chicken, pork, beef, or lamb are usually okay in moderation however, if you find they cause symptoms you will want to avoid them altogether. Salmon, as part of a gout diet, is also usually tolerated well in moderation.

    • Yeast:beer, nutritional yeast, large amounts of bread, others
    • Game meats: venison, veal, bison, others
    • Organ meats: liver, tongue, tripe, others
    • Fish: including sardines and anchovies
    • Other seafood: shellfish, roe, others
    • Sugary drinks: sodas, fruit juice, others
    • Sugar substances: honey, nectar, high-fructose corn syrup, others

    Can Losing Weight Help Gout

    If you are overweight, gradual weight loss can help lower uric acid levels and reduce the risk of gout attacks. However, it is important to avoid fasting or crash dieting, where you go without adequate food for long periods and lose weight rapidly. This type of dieting can actually increase uric acid levels and trigger a gout attack. A combination of balanced healthy eating and regular physical activity is the best way to lose weight safely. Talk to your doctor or see a dietitian for advice.

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    The Cause Of Gout Is More Than Just Diet

    While diet is critical, dont overlook other important factors that affect gout. These include family history, sleep apnoea, and lack of physical exercise to name a few.

    Further discussion of best treatment for gout is outside the scope of this article. But there are foods thought to be protective namely dairy, cherries, and coffee, in decreasing order of evidence.

    And as much as I prefer focusing on what you should eat to prevent health scares, there are just so many clear trigger foods for gout.

    Its important to deal with these factors first and foremost.

    About Joe Leech, Dietitian

    Joe Leech is a university-qualified dietitian from Australia.

    He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in exercise science, followed by a Master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2011.

    Learn more about him on the About page.

    Joe Leech, Dietitian

    Should I Drink Lots Of Water

    Gout: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Support Strategies ...

    Dehydration may be a risk factor for gout although this is not well proven in research. Drinking 1 1.5 litres of fluids a day is recommended for general health benefits. However if you are taking diuretics or have heart or kidney problems, talk to your doctor about the right amount of fluids for you to drink.

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    Be Choosy About Carbs

    Carbs can be helpful or harmful to your gout health. The most helpful carbs are found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Sweet potatoes, beans, apples, and popcorn can all be served in wholesome and delicious ways as part of a healthy gout diet.

    Other carbs come as natural and refined sugars. Candy, sports drinks, some breakfast cereal, and some pasta sauces all contribute to dietary sugar from unhealthy carbs.

    Tired Of Regular Gout Flare

    If so Ive got some goods news

    The cause of gout is simply too much uric acid build up in your joints. Before you rush to the doctor, you can take steps to fight back against too much uric acid – the safe and natural way!

    Nutritionist Evan Burns, reveals how in his FREE report, with a dozen ways to fight excess uric acid — without prescriptions or steroids!

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    Foods That Increase Uric Acid

    Uric acid is a byproduct created when the body digests foods containing purines. Purine is a non-essential compoundmeaning it can be produced by the body and it can also be consumed in foods.

    Managing uric acid levels is an important topic for individuals who have risk factors for gout because high uric acid levels increase the likelihood of developing gout. Here, we look at the relationship between the purines in your diet, uric acid, and gout.

    Laura Porter / Verywell

    Shellfish Crustacea And Mollusks


    There are two groups of shellfish, crustacea and mollusks. Crustacea includes crabs, shrimp, crayfish and lobsters. Mollusks are oysters, clams, oysters, mussels, squid, scallops and snails.

    Which shellfish group is higher gout risk? There is no big difference. A purine table from a 2014 Japanese study included a comprehensive list of different shellfish and seafood. It listed oysters, shrimp and certain squid with similar purine content.

    The research also determined different species can have different purine concentrations. For example, a snow crab had more purines than a king crab.

    Most of the medical experts recommend to limit the portions to an unfulfilling 4-6 ounces. An amount which most of us can easily eat more of if not aware.

    Insight: Even after realizing different shellfish have different purine amounts, shellfish is still the most unpredictable food group to gauge gout for me. On some occasions, I would eat a small amount of crabs, and end up with a terrible flare up in my ankle. Then another time, I would eat about twice as calamari and not feel any symptoms. My uric acid level at the time may have been a factor, but he unpredictability made me reduce my shellfish intake. However, I learned to prepare myself when I want to satisfy a craving.

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