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Is Vitamin C Good For Gout

Vitamin Cs Seven Most Important Health Advantages

Vitamin C for Gout
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant:Antioxidants work by stabilizing and cleaning up free radicals to protect cells and reduce harm. As a result, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Beta Carotene may help the body stay younger and protect it from certain life-threatening diseases.According to studies, increasing your vitamin C intake can boost your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This aids the bodys natural anti-inflammatory defenses.

Exercise-induced oxidative stress is highest in those with low vitamin C levels, where oxidative stress and free radicals are frequent due to the intense nature of the activity and its influence on the body.

We may therefore conclude that if you are currently exercising and doing tough daily workouts, you need to take vitamin C supplements to avoid the harmful effects of free radicals.

  • Vitamin C may help to lower blood pressure:Because vitamin C is water-soluble, it also acts as a diuretic, causing the kidneys to remove more sodium and water from the body, allowing the blood vessel walls to relax and thus may lower blood pressure.Lower blood pressure also means a lower risk of stroke and improved cardiovascular health, which is especially important today because so many people suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Finally, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, lessens the severity of allergic reactions, and aids in the fight against infections. Adding more vitamin C to your diet should be a priority if you want to stay fit and healthy.

Evaluate Other Experts Work Too

Another study of over 46,000 men with gout instead of 40 people with gout over a 20-year time frame found that those with the highest levels of vitamin C had the fewest incidents of gout. Another study of 1387 men who had high intakes of vitamin C found an association of lower levels of uric acid in the blood.

It just goes to show you that you have to really scrutinize the new medical studies that are in the media. When they report that vitamins and minerals dont work, they are often trying to muscle in their viewpoint of not taking supplements of any kind. The science methodology they use is often highly flawed.

I will always continue to give 2000 mg vitamin C daily as a supplement along with 500 mg pantothenic acid to my patients with gout. And Ill always continue to see their rapid improvement.

Vitamin C May Help Prevent Gout

Study Shows Vitamin C From Food or Supplements May Reduce the Risk of Gout

March 9, 2009 — Boosting vitamin C intake may be a simple way to help prevent one of the most common forms of arthritis.

A new study shows the vitamin better known for fighting colds may also prevent gout.

Researchers found men who had the highest vitamin C intake from supplements and food were up to 45% less likely to develop the painful condition than those who had the lowest.

Vitamin C is found naturally in citrus fruit, broccoli, and other fruits and vegetables it is often taken in supplement form.

Researcher Hyon K. Choi, MD, formerly of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and now of the Boston University School of Medicine, and colleagues say other studies have suggested that vitamin C appears to prevent gout by reducing levels of uric acid in the blood. Buildup of uric acid can lead to the formation of crystals, which can deposit in the body, leading to the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with gout.

In the study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers analyzed the relationship between vitamin C intake and gout among 46,994 healthy men from 1986 to 2006. The men answered questionnaires detailing vitamin C intake through diet and/or vitamin C supplements every four years.

During the study period, 1,317 new cases of gout were diagnosed among the participants.

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Is Vitamin C Effective In The Treatment Of Gout

Vitamin C, with its uricosuric effect, may reduce the serum concentration of uric acid. In one study, 500 mg/day for 2 months reduced uric acid by a mean of 0.5 mg/dL in patients without gout. However, gout patients appear to be less responsive to such a low dose of ascorbate. Vitamin C treatment should be avoided in patients with nephrolithiasis, urate nephropathy, or cystinuria.

Kobylecki et al reported that each 10 µmol/L higher plasma vitamin C level was associated with a 2.3 µmol/L lower plasma urate level. However, carriage of the SLC23A1 genetic variant, which causes lifelong high plasma vitamin C levels, was not associated with plasma urate levels or with risk of hyperuricemia.

Vitamin C For Weight Loss

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble substance that provides the body with antioxidants and is also beneficial to eye health. However, because of its role in fat molecule metabolization, this vitamin is of particular relevance to those trying to reduce weight.

Its critical to eat properly if you have a weight problem and want to lose weight. However, eating well entails more than just consuming less calories. Its also critical to get the correct nourishment and reduce weight in a healthy and long-term manner.

Gout is more likely to develop if you are overweight, while gout is less likely if you lose weight. Even without a purine-restricted diet, research suggests that cutting calories and lowering weight can lower uric acid levels and lessen the incidence of gout attacks.

Its also important to consider where you put on weight. People who have visceral fat are more likely to develop gout, even if they are not technically overweight.

This is due to the fact that belly fat produces more of the inflammatory chemicals that can cause the disease than subcutaneous fat.

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Oxidative Stress From Use Of Allopurinol Is There A Reason For Patients With Gout To Take Vitamin C

Lisa K. Stamp1, Peter T. Chapman2, John L. O’Donnell3, Irada Khalilova4, Rufus Turner4 and Anthony Kettle4, 1Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2Rheumatology, Immunology & Allergy, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand, 3Rheumatology Immunology & Allergy, Canterbury Health Laboratories, Christchurch, New Zealand, 4Pathology, University of Otago, Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand

Session Title:Metabolic and Crystal Arthropathies: Mechanisms of Disease

Session Type: Abstract Submissions

Methods Patients with gout and a serum urate > 0.36mmol/L were recruited. Twenty patients already receiving allopurinol were randomised to either increase the dose of allopurinol or commence vitamin C 500mg/d. Twenty patients not receiving urate lowering therapy were randomised to either start allopurinol or vitamin C 500mg/d. Plasma ascorbate, allantoin, myeloperoxidase, oxypurinol and serum urate were measured at day 0 and week 8.

Results As expected at day 0, the 20 patients receiving allopurinol had significantly lower serum urate compared to those not on allopurinol . Use of allopurinol was also associated with significantly lower plasma ascorbate levels and higher MPO levels at day 0. There was a non-significant increase in serum allantoin.


Hyperuricemia And The Development Of Gout

Uric acid is a metabolic “waste product” with poor solubility in body fluids, yet its potential role as a primary antioxidant in body fluids suggests it should be kept at sufficient levels in the blood. Clearly, these diametric properties of uric acid define a range for normal blood uric acid levels. Commonly, the upper limit of this range is taken as 8.6 mg/dL in men and 7.1 mg/dL in women, .15-17 Uric acid levels above this limit are considered as hyperuricemia.

Hyperuricemia is a primary risk factor for the development of gout, although it is likely that many hyperuricemic individuals will not develop symptoms.7 While the risk of a gout attack increases with blood uric acid, the annual occurrence of inflammatory gout is fairly low persons with blood uric acid levels between 7 and 8.9 mg/dL have a 0.5â3% change of developing the disease, which rises to 4.5% at levels over 9 mg/dL.18

Hyperuricemia without symptoms is also a risk factor for other diseases. Although patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia may never experience the symptoms of a gout attack, ultrasound studies have revealed that up to one-third may have urate deposits and evidence of inflammation in their joints and surrounding soft tissues.19

Gout is commonly divided into distinct “phases” of recurrent attacks of acute gout interspersed with symptom free periods, with cumulative crystal deposition gradually contributing to a chronic condition .

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What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin C

Now lets take a closer look at vitamin C. It provides a variety of health benefits, including the ability to improve your immune system, assist in detoxification, and may protect against cardiovascular disease.

It may also help with good bacteria in the gut, eye disease, may help remove heavy metals from our bodies, and many other benefits.

Fresh raw foods such as oranges, cantaloupe, broccoli, red peppers, chili peppers, rose hips, parsley, and kiwi fruit should be included in your diet. However, make certain that everything is organic!

I personally take a supplement of vitamin C daily of 500mg and have been for years now. I bought a big bottle from Costcos brand Kirkland, which lasts me for 500 days!

Remember vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species. Remember, that vitamins and drugs operate in 2 different ways in order to control uric acid levels.

Allopurinol, for example, works by preventing purines from being broken down into uric acid. Vitamin C, for example, may help with uric acid excretion in the urine. Its possible that improving excretion is more important for you than lowering production.

What Are The Effects Of Vitamin C For Gout

Gout and Vitamin C

In this article, we are going to tackle the possible good effects of vitamin C for gout. Can this really be beneficial for the condition, or is it the reverse? Read on to this article to know! Worry less, because you will definitely learn a lot from this. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the read!

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Medications Are Not Good For Gout Patients

Thiazide diuretics can result in gout, as they can interfere with uric acid elimination from the body. Thiazide diuretics can lower the water content in your body, and the low fluid percentage in your body will result in reduced blood pressure. Patients who regularly take diuretics may have dehydration, and their body retains a higher amount of uric acid.

Salicylates are non-steroidal drugs for relieving pain. Salicylates like aspirin will result in gout. They also prevent the flow of uric acid from your body. Those having gout symptoms must avoid taking salicylates as painkillers.

The Effect Uricosuric Substances For Gout Treatments

Uricosuric drugs lower uric acid levels by blocking uric acid reabsorption in the renal tubules, resulting in increased net renal uric acid excretion. These drugs raise the risk of kidney stones, with probenecid posing a 9-10% risk.

They should not be taken during an acute gouty arthritis attack.

The goal of treatment is to reduce blood uric acid levels to around 5-6 mg/dL without developingkidney stones.

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Vitamin C Does Not Lower Uric Acid Levels In Gout Patients Study Finds

Despite previous studies touting its benefit in moderating gout risk, new research reveals that vitamin C, also known ascorbic acid, does not reduce uric acid levels to a clinically significant degree in patients with established gout. Vitamin C supplementation, alone or in combination with allopurinol, appears to have a weak effect on lowering uric acid levels in gout patients, according to the results of a new study.

Despite previous studies touting its benefit in moderating gout risk, new research reveals that vitamin C, also known ascorbic acid, does not reduce uric acid levels to a clinically significant degree in patients with established gout. Vitamin C supplementation, alone or in combination with allopurinol, appears to have a weak effect on lowering uric acid levels in gout patients, according to the results published in the American College of Rheumatology journal Arthritis & Rheumatism.

Gout is an inflammatory arthritis that causes excruciating pain and swelling triggered by the crystallization of uric acid within the joints. Estimates from the ACR report that more than 8.3 million Americans suffer with gout. Medical evidence reports that long-term gout management requires treatment with medications that lower urate levels by inhibiting uric acid production or increasing uric acid excretion through the kidneys.

May is Arthritis Awareness Month in the U.S. and October 12, 2013 is designated as World Arthritis Day.

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The Best Vitamins For Gout

Best Vitamin C Gout

The main reason for Gout is the deposition of uric acid in your joints and feet. Usually, uric acid is the by-product of the food you have where your body breaks the food elements, produce uric acid. Thats why you need to limit taking certain foods which are rich in purine. Red meats, oily fish, lentils, etc. are the rich source of purine, so you need to avoid this kind of foods.

Though less than men, women also suffer from Gout. According to researches, postmenopausal women are at high risk of Gout as they suffer from the deficiency of vitamin D, which increases the uric deposition in their body. Researchers conducted a study on Chinese women who were above 30.

The research proved women, who had healthy levels of vitamin D, are less prone to have uric acid, even when they have other health issues, like diabetes. Such a study determined that vitamin D is effective in lowering the uric acid level in your body and thus relieves the pain of Gout. In addition to Vitamin D, vitamin C helps control uric acid in your body.

The December issue of the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism brought another fantastic point about Gout in front of all. It said consuming cherries regularly can lower the risk of Gout around 35 percent. The study also said whoever takes cherries with allopurinol, medicine of Gout, got relief from the ailment around 75 percent.

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Vitamin C: Good For Gout

“Supplementation with 500 mg/day of vitamin C for 2 months reduces serum uric acid, suggesting that vitamin C might be beneficial in the prevention and management of gout and other urate-related diseases.”

….”For people whose levels remain elevated, doctors may prescribe drugs that either inhibit the body’s uric acid production or promote its excretion in the urine. While these drugs can help prevent gout attacks, they may also cause side effects including kidney damage, vomiting, or severe skin rashes.”…

Bet you dollars to donuts that the medical Mafia will still prefer drugs over nutrients? Yet again another demonstration on safety and effectiveness over the generally toxic and less effective drugs! Is it any wonder that they want to restrict our supplements?

“Vitamin C appears to reduce uric acid levels by increasing its excretion in the urine.”…”there are no published reports of vitamin Cinduced gout.”or kidney stones for that matter…

For the skeptics, this is just one beneficial effect of the so called “expensive urine”! Next time your doctor gets on his high horse and natters about useless ness of vitamins you may want to shut him up with this.

Chris Gupta

posted by Chris Gupta on Monday August 15 2005updated on Saturday September 24 2005

Reduce Intake Of Purines And Protein

Certain foods are rich in naturally occurring substances called purines, which are metabolised into uric acid. Purines are not bad for you as such in fact they are essential, but excessive consumption is associated with increased risk for gout. The same is true with excessive consumption of protein. The most concentrated sources of purines are red meat, organ meat and oily fish , as well as lentils, peas and beans.

The list below shows you the richest foods:

  • Anchovies
  • Blackeye beans
  • Lentils

If you are actively suffering from gout, it is best to limit your intake of these until the gout has gone away. Your ability to tolerate purine-rich foods, in moderation, will probably return once you are following a low GL diet.

Also Check: How Many Cherries Should I Eat For Gout

Ways To Get More Vitamin C Into Your Diet

Aside from the obvious lemons and oranges, you can also eat more of these foods to increase the vitamin C in your diet.

  • Eat acerola cherriesHalf a cup of acerola cherries has 822 mg of vitamin C, which is 900% of the daily recommended amount! Try to get a few of these in your snacks and you should have more than enough vitamin C that you need.
  • Spice up your meals with chili peppersIf youre into hot food, great more vitamin C for you. By adding just one green chili pepper to your dish, you are already consuming 109 mg of vitamin C. In addition, chili peppers contain capsaicin which helps reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Sweeten up with yellow peppersIf hot peppers are not for you, dont worry since theres another kind of pepper that is just as rich in vitamin C and that is the yellow bell pepper. Just half a cup of it already contains 137 mg of vitamin C. The best part is that the vitamin C content of this pepper increases as it matures!
  • Sprinkle with thymeThyme is another ingredient that can really boost the vitamin C content of your dishes. A tablespoon of thyme can already have as much as 3.5mg of vitamin C!
  • Add parsleyAnother herb that is vitamin C-rich is parsley. Two tablespoons of it already contain 11% of the daily recommended value. Whats great about parsley is that its a plant-based, non-heme iron which means that it can work well together with the vitamin C content for the body to absorb it more efficiently.
  • May Reduce Your Risk Of Chronic Disease

    A Foodie’s Guide to Gout-friendly Foods

    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your bodys natural defenses .

    Antioxidants are molecules that boost the immune system. They do so by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals.

    When free radicals accumulate, they can promote a state known as oxidative stress, which has been linked to many chronic diseases .

    Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This helps the bodys natural defenses fight inflammation .


    Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can boost your blood antioxidant levels. This may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease.

    Approximately one-third of American adults have high blood pressure .

    High blood pressure puts you at risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death globally .

    Studies have shown that vitamin C may help lower blood pressure in both those with and without high blood pressure.

    An animal study found that taking a vitamin C supplement helped relax the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart, which helped reduce blood pressure levels .

    Moreover, an analysis of 29 human studies found that taking a vitamin C supplement reduced systolic blood pressure by 3.8 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.5 mmHg, on average, in healthy adults.

    In adults with high blood pressure, vitamin C supplements reduced systolic blood pressure by 4.9 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.7 mmHg, on average .

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