Thursday, July 25, 2024

Essential Oils For Gout Treatment

Using Lemon And Water To Treat Gout

ð?GOUT TREATMENT How to Massage Blends with Essential Oils for Gout Pain Relief | HEALTHY LIFE 365

Lemon has some direct benefits at treating gout. In essential oil form you can make a water drink by mixing a few drops in and easily ingest it this way. The lemon works by dissolving the crystals that are building up in the joint fluid and causing the condition.

You absolutely have to make sure that the lemon oil can be ingested. Not all of them can. If you have any doubts always check with a healthcare professional. Safety should be your first concern.

Ways To Apply Essential Oils For Gout

A hot towel compress

Rub a few drops of an essential oil onto the area that is in pain, and then cover it with a soothing hot towel. If you prefer, cold compresses work just as well.

A detoxifying soak

Combine the essential oil of your choice and Epsom salt in a tub of fresh bath water. The soak will sooth your joints and help provide some much needed relief.

Soothing massage

Combine about ten drops of the essential oil of your choice with two teaspoons of milk. Place half of the mixture in a basin filled with warm water. Place the other half in a basin filled with cool water. Soak the affected area for ten minutes in the warm water. Then soak for ten minutes in the cool water.

Dietary Changes To Improve Gout Symptoms

As gout is associated with diet, here are my top foods to avoid or minimize:

Foods to avoid or minimize:

  • Purine-rich foods including: beef, goose, organ meats, sweetbreads, mussels, anchovies, herring, mackerel, yeast, spinach, asparagus, beans, lentils, mushrooms and dried peas. 00099-2/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”> 18)
  • Oxalate-rich foods including: spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, chocolate, black tea, wheat bran, strawberries and beans.
  • Common allergens including dairy, wheat , corn, and food additives.
  • Refined foods including white breads, pastas and sugars.

Foods to eat and enjoy:

  • High fiber foods including: barley, bran, rye, brown rice, avocados, potatoes and bananas.
  • Vitamin C-rich foods including: oranges, red and green bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, guava, kiwi and Brussels sprouts.
  • Magnesium-rich foodsincluding: pumpkin seeds, yogurt or kefir, almonds, avocados, figs, artichokes, cashews and wild-caught salmon.
  • Cherries and unsweetened cherry juice. Try my recipe for cherry limeade.
  • Omega-3 rich foodslike wild-caught salmon and tuna, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, natto and grass-fed dairy.

Also Check: Black Cherry Juice For Gout Cvs

Precautions When Using Essential Oils For Gout

If pregnant or for the elderly, I would recommend that you take advice of your doctor prior to using any essential oil for gout treatment. Individuals dealing with conditions like epilepsy and hypertension must avoid the use of rosemary, clove, eucalyptus, fennel essential oil.

The rest of the essential oils I have mentioned in this article are generally safe to use, are non-sensitizing and non-irritating for people suffering from gout pain. As always, please do a skin test patch before any topical application.

Signs & Gout Symptoms

Gout Relief with Essential Oils ~ Patti

As mentioned above, the first sign of gout symptoms may be the sudden onset of severe pain in one of your big toes or other joints. In fact, this first attack often occurs at night and causes enough pain and discomfort to awaken you. Many individuals experience pain so severe that even lying under a sheet may become unbearable.

For some, the pain may go away on its own in a week or 10 days, only to recur in the weeks or months following. For others, the pain may last for extended periods of time, or slightly ebb and flow over weeks or months.

Typically, the pain is at its greatest in the first 12 to 24 hours of the attack however, this can vary depending on your diet and other factors. In addition to severe pain in the big toe, other common gout symptoms include:

  • Severe pain in joints including feet, ankles, knees, hips, wrists, hands, fingers and back where even the weight of a sheet or clothing is intolerable.
  • Noticeable discoloration in the joints they may become deep red or even purple at onset, and change color through the attack.
  • Joints that are swollen and stiff and hot to the touch.
  • A fever of up to 102.2F, with or without chills.
  • Joints that are inflamed and tender accompanied by decreased mobility.
  • Lingering discomfort as the joint pain and inflammation can last for days or weeks.
  • Hard lumps or bumps at the joints.

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How Do Essential Oils Help Gout

Potent plant extracts obtained through steam distillation or cold compressing of aromatic plant material such as the leaves, tree bark, fruit rinds, flowers, roots and resin of plants, essential oils are powerful antioxidants and contain a myriad of therapeutic properties including anti inflammatory and analgesic antispasmodic properties, among others. What makes them helpful for gout is their abilities to:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Cool down hot and swollen areas
  • Numb and relieve pain fast
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • 4 oz amber glass jar


  • Melt the shea butter and coconut oil together in a double boiler.
  • Once melted, pour into a large bowl and leave it to set in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.
  • Then get the bowl out and add all the essential oils.
  • Mix well with a non plastic cutlery or popsicle stick.
  • Using the hand mixer, beat the ingredients until they form a creamy mix.
  • Thats your pain cream! Use liberally on painful areas for relief. This cream has a long shelf life over a year so keep it away from contaminants like water and dirty fingers.
  • 4. Foot Soak for Gout

    What you need

    Home Remedies For Gout

    What is gout?

    Gout or gouty arthritis is a condition which causes inflammation of the joints. More often than not it is the big toe that is affected. Gout can also occur in the knees, feet or ankles.Gout is caused by the build-up of uric acid in your blood, which leads to the formation of hard acid crystals in the joints. Gout can also decrease the amount of synovial fluid in your joints.

    This fluid is what lubricates and cushions the joints. The crystals, scientifically called monosodium urate monohydrate crystals, are what can cause severe pain, swelling and sometimes a redness on the skin.

    Some of the known causes of gout are:

    Alcohol Eating too much meat or fish that is high in purines Sugary drinks, especially those with high fructose corn syrup Vegetables rich in purines like asparagus, spinach and mushrooms Certain medications like water pills

    Avoiding food high in purines is a good 1st step in the treatment of gout.

    Like phlegm or bile, gout is one of those words that always made me cringe even though I didnt really know what it was it just sounded really nasty. I also naively thought it was the sort of ailment that only affected really old people. Then a couple of years ago, I experienced my first attack of gout in my big toe region and it really was as bad as it sounds.

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    End Discomfort & Pain From Gout Symptoms

    By Kathleen McCoy, BS

    May 18, 2017

    If you awaken from a sound sleep to excruciating joint pain in your big toe, you may be experiencing one of several gout symptoms. Gout is on the rise in America, affecting millions of people each year. In fact, the latest research, from 10 years ago, found that the rates of gout doubled in 20 years prior. More than eight million Americans have gout. ” rel=”nofollow”> 2)

    Many believe this dramatic increase is due to poor diets, obesity and a lack of exercise, although genetics is also thought to play a role.

    Too much uric acid in the body can also cause kidney stones and in more severe cases lead to kidney failure due to the blockage caused by uric acid crystals. In addition, if the root cause of gout is not addressed, you may be at a greater risk of developing certain types of cancer and heart disease.

    Statistically, men are far more likely to get gout than women. However, it is becoming more common in women, particularly after menopause.

    What Are The Best Carrier Oils For Gout Pain

    [GOUT TREATMENT] How to Stop Gout Pain Just 1 Night with 3 Essential Oil Recipies HEALTHY LIFE 365

    In order to make the most of these essential oils, you will need a carrier oil that can quickly spread out the oil on the affected area and prevent any skin irritation. Grapeseed, coconut, jojoba, olive, castor, macadamia and sweet almond oil are some of the most popular carrier oils that can be used. Two of my favorites are fractioned coconut oil and castor oil, which are relatively cheap and last for a longer time.

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    Try Natural Remedies For Gout

    There are some nutrients that could be helpful.

    • Proanthocyanidins can help neutralise uric acid and reduce inflammation
    • Quercetin can reduce uric acid and may also provide relief
    • Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation, so add a supplement if youre also cutting out certain seafoods that are rich in purines
    • Heard about cherry juice for gout? Its proposed that tart cherry juice could temporarily lower blood uric acid levels, but more research is required to fully understand this link5

    How To Use Basil Oil For Gout Relief

    As we get older, our bodies change. For many, these changes can be either detrimental or beneficial depending on what you eat, how active you are, and what your lifestyle is like. Of course, there are plenty of things that you can do to help prevent complications in the future. However, for some, that future is already here. If a chronic condition like gout plagues your daily life and causes you constant pain, there are several options available both in the conventional and Ayurvedic categories. When you need an all-natural solution to your pain, using basil oil for gout relief is a prime way to get your life back in a way that wont have any nasty side effects.

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    Natural Remedies For Gout

    Studies show that many of the dietary items we consume lead to gout as well as other health problems. Changing your diet and lifestyle may be the easy solution to beating gout. One of the first things to do is eliminate certain foods and beverages from your diet to beat gout.

    Now here are my top six all-natural gout remedies to get rid of gout for good. If you follow these tips, you can get rid of gout in 24 hours or less. Yes, that fast, you can get rid of gout pain for good.

    1. Celery Seed Extract

    Step No. 1 is to consume celery seed extract and celery juice. Celery seed extract actually has been shown to decrease uric acid buildup in the body.

    Researchers have identified over a dozen different types of antioxidants that are responsible for the benefits of celery these include such phenolic acids as caffeic acid and ferulic acid, plus flavaols like quecetin. This makes celery useful for treating a wide range of conditions that are made worse by inflammation: joint pain , gout, kidney and liver infections, skin disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections, just to name a few.

    You can buy the supplement or celery seed extract. You can also use a vegetable juicer to produce celery juice or just eat celery throughout the day all of which are great for getting rid of gout.

    2. Black Cherry Juice

    3. Nettles

    4. Fish Oil

    5. Proteolytic Enzymes

    6. Magnesium

    What To Expect From Essential Oils

    How to Get Rid of Gout Fast with 11 Best Home Remedies

    Though essential oils have been used to treat myriad health conditions for centuries, its important to know they are rarely used as a stand-alone treatment.

    Essential oils are generally more beneficial when supporting the other things you are doing to fend off gout flaressuch as routinely taking medication to treat gout, managing other risk factors like diabetes and heart disease, and limiting purine-rich foods.

    Essential oils are generally deemed safe, but its still wise to check with your doctor first. If you get the green light, consider contacting the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy to find a certified aromatherapist.

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    Treating Gout With Essential Oils

    If you have gout, there are natural remedies namely essential oils can be used as the initial relief against gout.

    The following essential oils for gout is not only help cure your gout but also provide benefits for the prevention of this disease.

    Before we look at the list of essential oils for gout, there are things we need to know. Indeed, the essential oils are effective for treating gout but if your condition worsens, then you should get other treatment than essential oils. Call your doctor and consult with a health care professional is the best way. Gout in severe cases is harmful to the kidneys and general health.

    Causes & Risk Factors

    While natural gout remedies do help to relieve the pain and discomfort, for true healing its important to address the underlying causes of gout and address any risk factors you may have to prevent future gout attacks.

    Gout Risk factors

    1. Diet:

    Consuming moderate to high levels of purine-rich foods including beef, seafood, alcohol, legumes, certain vegetables and fructose is a leading cause of gout.

    2. Obesity:

    When obese, more uric acid is produced and the kidneys may have a difficult time eliminating the excess.

    3. High Blood Pressure:

    Natural high blood pressure remedies can help bring your numbers into the normal range. Partner these treatments with regular exercise and stress-relieving activities for the best results.

    4. Dehydration:

    Stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water each day. During the summer months or when exercising, be sure to drink more.

    5. High Levels of Triglycerides:

    Work to reduce your triglycerides by losing weight, avoiding sugary foods, reducing alcohol, and replacing unhealthy fats with healthy ones.

    6. Diabetes:

    Follow a diabetic diet plan and exercise regularly to lower your A1C numbers naturally.

    7. Metabolic Syndrome:

    Incorporate burst training and essential oils into your daily routine while following a diet for metabolic syndrome to reduce your chances of gout.

    8. Heart Disease:

    9. Kidney Disease:

    10. Medications:

    11. Genetics:

    12. Trauma or Surgery:

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    Recommended Treatments For Managing Gout

    1) Low-Purine Diet

    As with all inflammatory conditions, nutrition is the first place to make changes. Always consult a trained professional for your specific needs, but you may find some of these suggestions a helpful starting place:

  • Avoid Purine-rich foods – Purines are organic compounds that contribute to uric acid formation, so lowering your intake of purine-rich foods can be helpful2. Purines increase lactate production and compete with uric acid for excretion, which can lead to a buildup of uric acid. Purine-rich foods to avoid include shellfish, red meat, foods containing yeast such as beer and bread, anchovies, asparagus, mushrooms, and sardines2.
  • Limit alcohol intake – Alcohol increases uric acid, so its best to avoid it where you can.
  • Avoid stimulantsThis can include spices, tobacco, and sugar4.
  • Eat Cherries/Drink Cherry Juice – Fresh or frozen cherries have been found to be effective in lowering uric acid levels and preventing attacks of gout3. Cherries contain anthocyanins that increase collagen integrity and decrease inflammation.
  • Eat Alfalfa – Alfalfa is a good source of minerals and other nutrients that help to reduce serum uric acid. 2000-3000mg daily is recommended2.
  • You can read more in our article Feeling Sore? Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Help.

    2) Supplements
  • Turmeric – another great anti-inflammatory food, turmeric can be added to most dishes or taken as a supplement.
  • 3) Reduce Consumption of Carbohydrates and Fructose
    4) Drink Plenty of Water

    Precautions You Should Take When Using Essential Oils For Gout

    Natural Treatment for Gout – 5 Essential Steps For a Healthier You
    • If you are not sure how to use essential oils for gout properly, ask for the advice of your doctor or a licensed natural health practitioner.
    • If you are pregnant, suffer from hypertension or have epilepsy, you should avoid rosemary essential oil. Again, ask your doctor of any questions.
    • Although reactions are rare with proper use, always perform a patch test before using a new essential oil to ensure you will not have an allergic reaction to it.

    Recommended Reading: Almond Milk And Gout

    Understanding And Managing Symptoms Of Gout

    Michelle Brass | 11 August

    Cases of gout date back to the Ancient Egyptians, making it one of the worlds oldest recorded diseases. It was once named the rich man’s disease or kingsdiseaseas it was linked to the richdiet – heavy in meat and alcohol – associated with wealth many years ago1.

    Today, gout progression is linked with diet, weight, stress, and injury. Without treatment, gout will generally get worse and flare ups may be triggered by certain factors.

    Let’s take a look at what gout is defined as, what causes it and some suggestions on how you may be able to naturally manage the symptoms of this very debilitating inflammatory condition.

    Safest Ways To Use Essential Oils

    Before buying essential oils, know they arent regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, so the quality can vary widely. Buy essential oils from a reputable company in good standing or ask for suggestions from a certified aromatherapist.

    Some essential oils may be 100 percent pure, and others might be diluted with less expensive ingredients. Choose the 100 percent essential oil in its purest form with no fillers.

    However, essential oils are highly concentrated and should never be used on the skin without diluting them first. Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as olive, coconut, or jojoba.

    Never eat or drink essential oils unless you are working with a doctor or trained professional such as a certified aromatherapist.

    Essential oils might cause headaches, trigger asthma, or other health issues for some.

    Essential oils could do more harm than good if your skin becomes irritated or if you experience an allergic reaction.

    Generally, people who have a history of sensitive skin when using topical products, or who have atopic dermatitis, are more prone to skin rashes and irritation.

    The essential oils that tend to be more problematic for those people include oregano oil, cinnamon bark oil, jasmine oil, lemongrass oil, ylang-ylang oil, chamomile oil, and bergamot oil, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Do a patch test and place a few drops of diluted essential oil on your skin, and wait 24 hours.

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