Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Will Gout Go Away Without Medication

When Asked How Long Does Gout Last Most People Would Say A Few Days To A Few Weeks

What Is Gout and How Do You Treat It? [Dr. Claudia]

How long does gout last? Your symptoms, treatment, and diet all come into play.

A gout attack can cause sudden and very severe joint pain. It frequently starts in the joint of a big toe and may wake you up at night. Even having a sheet resting on your toe can be painful. A gout attack can make you miserable. It may last from three days to up to two weeks. Taking medication usually helps reduce the pain and may shorten the attack. But even without medication, a gout attack usually goes away within ten days.

Once you have had an attack of gout, you need to start treatment to prevent another attack, because gout often comes back. Without treatment, you can expect another attack within two years. People with frequent attacks can develop a type of long-term gout that does not go away. It can cause painful lumps in or near joints and can cause damaging deformity of a joint. The good news is that treatment works well. Gout is very controllable for most people.

Signs And Symptoms Of Gout

Any joint can be affected by gout, but it usually affects joints towards the ends of the limbs, such as the toes, ankles, knees and fingers.

Signs and symptoms of gout include:

  • severe pain in one or more joints
  • the joint feeling hot and very tender
  • swelling in and around the affected joint
  • red, shiny skin over the affected joint

Symptoms develop rapidly over a few hours and typically last three to 10 days. After this time the pain should pass and the joint should return to normal.

Almost everyone with gout will experience further attacks at some point, usually within a year.

Read more about the complications of gout.

Gout Swelling Wont Go Away

So youve had about three months without pain? No loss of joint mobility? Just constant slight swelling? Odd. Certainly not something Ive experienced so Im kind of at a lossI think youd better get that foot examined by someone who knows about many different types of joint or foot problems, not just about gout. You didnt say if you ever got a solid gout diagnosis. And its possible a gout attack did some damage and that the problem you have now is related to but separate from gout.But whatever the cause of your lingering swelling, if you cant or wont try rest and possibly physical therapy to help with the healing, Im guessing infiltrating or injecting a drug that fights inflammation in your foot might help without as many side effects as youd get from taking a similarly nasty drug in pill form. But Im no doctor and Ive not even seen your foot so thats obviously a really wild guess.There are gentler things some of us have tried to get rid of lingering symptoms and help to heal along but three months? I think youre past home remedies and the like.Your symptoms might not seem like a big deal right now but it might possibly the early signs of something that could get worse over the years. Best see a qualified professional and catch that kind of thing early.

  • July 17, 2017 at 10:52 pm#4655BigAParticipant

    . 3rd gout attack was by far the worst. After a week or three of pain the swelling and pain went mostly leaving a residual swell as Ive described.

  • Recommended Reading: Colchicine 0.6 Mg Dosage For Gout

    Red Skin On Gout Area But No Pain

    Does anyone else have this issue? The skin on top of my right foot on and near the gout area on my big toe gets very red from time to time. I notice that it is extra red when I take off my socks or after wearing house slippers. Is this a minor attack? The affected area does not swell up like a normal gout attack and there is no pain.

    I had my first gout attack back in early September 2017 and did not start on UA medication until November. My last major attack was back in early December and have not had a major one yet . My UA level last time I checked in December was 4 mg/dl.

  • February 10, 2018 at 4:19 pm#6544Participant

    I used to get little patches of skin redness on a regular basis.If you dont have much UA in your blood, small deposits which come in direct contact with the blood could melt away before they have a chance to cause swelling and pain.If your skin redness is gout-related, considering your UA level it should stop occurring before long.

  • July 19, 2018 at 10:28 pm#7413
  • March 18, 2021 at 11:51 pm#10417
  • How Can A Gout Attack Be Prevented

    How to Prevent the Next Gout Attack

    Diet plays a key role diet in gout prevention: Since foods can directly set off gout attacks, patients with gout should receive counseling as to which foods are more likely to induce attacks. Losing weight is often also helpful. However, as important as diet is in gout, for most people with gout diet, and even weight loss, are not enough, and medications will be needed to get to their uric acid goal.

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    Home Remedies For Gout

    Because of the rise in health care costs and the popular inclination to try natural home remedies to prevent the need for prescription drugs and surgeries, many people are turning toward alternative remedies to treat gout. A number of these home remedies have been acknowledged for treating gout. But, are they effective or not? We will present a number of them below and discuss their likelihood of success.

    1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is used to treat gout because its acidity relieves the acute pain associated with gout and other types of arthritis. The vinegar increases the bodys alkalinity and has anti-inflammatory properties. Some individuals also add honey to the apple cider vinegar because of honeys anti-inflammatory properties.

    The bad news is that you take the concoction by the spoonful, and apple cider vinegar isnt exactly known for its amazing taste. To be most effective, you need to take up to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day. Scientific results are lacking in evidence that apple cider vinegar really works. There was a study in Japan in 2010 which looked at different diets to improve alkalization of urine to increase the removal of uric acid from the body. Apple cider vinegar was in one of the diets, but was not tested alone.

    Success stories are hit or miss with apple cider vinegar and the treatment of gout. We give it two stars.

    2. Ginger Root

    3. Baking Soda

    4. Lemon Juice

    5. Epsom Salt

    6. Cherries

    7. Bananas

    Practice Mindfulness And Meditation

    The good news: A gout attack is self-limited and will clear in time. In the meantime, according to the Arthritis Foundation, meditation, yoga breathing, mindfulness, and guided imagery can help you deal with the pain.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Gout

    An episode of gout is called a gout attack. Gout attacks are very painful and can happen quite suddenly, often overnight. During a gout attack, symptoms in the affected joint may include:

    • Intense pain.
    • Tenderness, even to light touch, such as from a bedsheet.
    • Warmth, or a feeling like the joint is on fire.
    • How long does a gout attack last?

    A gout attack can last a week or two. Between gout attacks, you may have no symptoms at all.

    How Can I Help Prevent Gout Attacks

    How to Cure a Gout Attack (what works for me)
    • Do not eat high-purine foods. These foods include meats, seafood, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower, and some types of beans. Healthcare providers may tell you to eat more low-fat milk products, such as yogurt. Milk products may decrease your risk for gout attacks. Vitamin C and coffee may also help. Your healthcare provider or dietitian can help you create a meal plan.
    • Drink liquids as directed. Liquids such as water help remove uric acid from your body. Ask how much liquid to drink each day and which liquids are best for you.
    • Maintain a healthy weight. Weight loss may decrease the amount of uric acid in your body. Ask your healthcare provider what a healthy weight is for you. Ask him or her to help you create a weight loss plan if you are overweight.
    • Control your blood sugar level if you have diabetes. Keep your blood sugar level in a normal range. This can help prevent gout attacks.
    • Limit or do not drink alcohol as directed. Alcohol can trigger a gout attack. Alcohol also increases your risk for dehydration. Ask your healthcare provider if alcohol is safe for you.

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    Exercise To Reduce Body Weight

    About half of the suffers from gout are overweight which shows how significant the factor of obesity is in causing gout. To exercise with gout start simply by doing light cardio every day for at least 30 minutes. You may walk, jog, or do aerobics to get your blood flowing. Keep in mind that good blood circulation which can be promoted by exercise also helps to treat gout.

    If the gout is on your big toe, or your knees however, this can make land exercise difficult. In turn one of the best ways to exercise without putting pressure on your joints is by doing water aerobics.

    How To Treat Gout Without Drugs

    Gout is an acute form of arthritis usually affecting heels, ankles, wrists or elbows but it mainly targets the big toe with severe unbearable pain, swelling and soreness of joints. It may also affect the spine strongly enough to cause back pain. Gout attacks are normally sudden and occur at night or leisure times and lasting from 5-10 days. The pain, once gone, does not mean that it is not going to come back, it may reoccur at any time.

    The main cause of gout is the excessive accumulation of uric acid crystals in the tissues especially joint tissues due to high levels of uric acid circulation in the blood. Thus causing loss of mobility during the period the pain lasts for.

    Gout can be diagnosed by physical examination of the patient and going through his medical history like the symptoms of the disease or any other relevant or required information. But this is not sufficient enough to confirm the indication of gout rather the doctors need to take certain tests of the blood sample or more appropriately the fluid samples from the joints and test whether the urate crystals are there or not.

    Alcohol has a direct linkage with the gout, not all types of alcohol, only those with purine like beer, contribute to rising levels of uric acid in the blood, it is therefore suggested to minimize the use of alcohol or only drink it in moderation is imperative to control uric acid levels in the body and cure gout.

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    How Fast Does Gout Medication Work

    Short-term drugs can provide relief within 24 to 48 hours. Long-term medications are designed to work concurrently with necessary lifestyle and dietary changes and are solely dependent on your personal effort. Some patients have shown progress within a monthâs times, while others can take up to a year.

    Who Should Diagnose And Treat Gout


    The disease should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor or a team of doctors who specialize in care of gout patients. This is important because the signs and symptoms of gout are not specific and can look like signs and symptoms of other inflammatory diseases. Doctors who specialize in gout and other forms of arthritis are called rheumatologists. To find a provider near you, visit the database of rheumatologistsexternal icon on the American College of Rheumatology website. Once a rheumatologist has diagnosed and effectively treated your gout, a primary care provider can usually track your condition and help you manage your gout.

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    Medications For Acute Gout

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and COX-2 inhibitors are the mainstay of therapy of acute attacks of gout in patients who have no contra-indication to them. These medications include such agents as naproxen , ibuprofen , celecoxib , indomethacin and many others. These agents reliably decrease the inflammation and pain of gout. However, patients with ulcers, hypertension, coronary disease, and fluid retention must be careful with these agents, even for the short courses needed to resolve a gout attack. The doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents needed to resolve a gout attack are on the higher side, since full anti-inflammatory effect is needed. See examples of dosage in Table 2. Over-the-counter dosage levels, for example, ibuprofen at 200mg, two tabs three times a day, are often insufficient.
  • Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and methylprednisolone , are anti-inflammatory agents that are quite effective against gout attacks. Anti-inflammatory steroids are very different in action and side-effects as compared to male hormone steroids. Anti-inflammatory steroids have long-term risks, such as bone thinning and infection, but their risk for short-term therapy is relatively low. These agents can raise blood pressure and blood sugar, so can be a problem for those with uncontrolled hypertension or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
  • Why Do I Suffer From Gout

    One word: hyperuricemia. Or, in other words, increased uric acid in your blood. This is the reason why your joints are painful and inflamed. Uric acid is a normal product in your body it is a substance that breaks down purines in your body which are found in certain foods that we eat, in addition to being found in human cells. When your body overproduces uric acid, youre at risk for developing gout. But, why would your body overproduce uric acid?

    The triggers of hyperuricemia include:

    • Injury
    • Excessive alcohol consumption
    • Eating large amounts of red meat and shellfish
    • Dehydration
    • Drinking sugary sodas

    It is these types of triggers that can create the hyperuricemia, which can result in gout. When you overproduce uric acid, your kidneys have to work harder to flush out the extra uric acid out of your bloodstream, as they would normally do.

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    Will Gout Pain Go Away Without Treatment

    One of the most common questions sufferers of gout ask is Will gout go away without treatment?.

    The answer in most cases is no. There are numerous factors responsible for causing gout including

    • Age
    • Level of fitness
    • Medication use

    Therefore when people develop gout it is usually because one or more of these factors is responsible. In turn, you cant expect gout to go away typically until you start taking medication or making lifestyle changes to get rid of gout. Listed below you can learn about some of the effective lifestyle changes you can make to get rid of gout.

    Treating A Gout Attack

    Truth 8: Want to Get Rid of Gout Fast? Go through Healing Crisis FIRST!

    Treating an attack of gout doesnt lower your urate levels or stop future attacks. The treatment helps you to manage your symptoms when an attack happens.

    The most commonly used drug treatments for attacks of gout are:

    Some people will be better suited to NSAIDS, while others will be suited to colchicine. But your preference is also taken into consideration many people with gout quickly learn what works best for them.

    In cases where one drug doesnt seem to be working on its own, your doctor might suggest a combination of NSAIDs with either colchicine or steroids.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Attacks of gout are often treated with NSAID tablets, which can help with pain and reduce some of your inflammation. Ibuprofen, Naproxen and diclofenac are three NSAIDs you could be given.

    If youve been prescribed NSAIDs to treat an attack, you should start taking them as soon as you notice signs of one coming on. Your doctor may let you keep a supply so you can start taking them at the first signs of an attack.

    The earlier you start treatment, the better.

    NSAIDs arent suitable for everyone, so talk to your doctor about them first if you have any other conditions. They can also interact with other drugs, so make sure you talk to a doctor before starting on any new medication.


    Colchicine isnt a painkiller, but can be very effective at reducing the inflammation caused by urate crystals.

    Colchicine tablets can cause diarrhoea or stomach aches.


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    What Are The Stages Of Gout

    • Hyperuricemia is a high level of uric acid. Hyperuricemia is not gout, but it increases your risk for gout. You may have no symptoms at this stage, and it usually does not need treatment.
    • Acute gouty arthritis starts with a sudden attack of pain and swelling, usually in 1 joint. This may be in your big toe. The attack may last from a few days to 2 weeks.
    • Intercritical gout is the time between attacks. You may go months or years without another attack. You will not have joint pain or stiffness, but this does not mean your gout is cured. You will still need treatment to prevent chronic gout.
    • Chronic tophaceous gout develops if gout is not treated. Large amounts of uric acid crystals, called tophi, collect around your joints. The crystals can destroy or deform the joints. Gout attacks occur more often, and last hours to weeks. More than 1 joint may be painful and swollen. At this stage, gout symptoms do not go away on their own.

    When To Get Help For A Gout Flare

    It’s always a good idea to let your doctor know that you are having a flare. Sometimes, you may need to follow up to make sure your treatment plan is working or if your symptoms don’t improve. Call your doctor if:

    This is your first flare-up. There are several other conditions, such as a joint infection, that have some of the same symptoms as gout attacks.

    You have a highfever and chills. Gout attack symptoms may include a mild fever, but a higher temperature may be a sign of an infection.

    Your symptoms don’t get any better after 48 hours or don’t end after about a week. If you don’t start to feel somewhat better after a few days, call your doctor. They may suggest a different treatment. Most gout attacks will go away by themselves in several weeks, even without treatment.

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