Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Oatmeal Ok For Gout

Foods High In Purines


The body produces purine compounds, and people also ingest them from food.

Purines can increase the risk of urate crystals forming in the joints and tissues, so avoiding them in food can help manage the condition.

Arthritis Foundation advises which foods and drinks contain high or moderate amounts of purines:

  • all types of alcoholic drinks
  • some fish, including sardines, anchovies, trout, herring, and haddock
  • shellfish and seafood, such as mussels, scallops, crab, lobster, oysters, and shrimp
  • high purine meats, such as bacon, turkey, veal, sausage, and venison
  • moderate purine meats, such as beef, chicken, pork, duck, and ham
  • organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads

Oatmeal And Gout Symptoms

If you ask about an arthritis that can be closely associated with what you eat, gouty arthritis is the answer. Yap, this joint disorder can be both controlled and triggered by your dietary purine. More purine you eat can make your blood uric acid level rise higher than normal. And high uric acid is considered bad for gout symptoms. Oatmeal is healthy source for your energy, but it contains some purines, too. Does it mean you should avoid oatmeal if you have gout?

Oatmeal health benefits

If you love eating whole grain due to its health advantages, oatmeal can be one of good choices. It is considered healthy for your heart.

As the name suggests, this healthy grain is made from oats. The harvested oats are steamed and roasted. And then they can be made into two major products:

  • Instant & quick rolled oats, made from whole oats that are cut into pieces .
  • Conventional-fashioned-oats, produced from whole oats that are rolled flat.
  • Oats are not only good source of healthy carbohydrate , but also host other essential nutrients such as some antioxidants and minerals.

    The fiber of oat can help lower LDL

    Some studies confirmed that oat can help fight against bad cholesterol , a health benefit for your heart and cardiovascular system. A water-soluble fiber in oats called beta-glucan is the answer of this benefit.

    Bile acids are produced from cholesterol. And when your body can remove these acids optimally, this can help reduce the absorption of your dietary cholesterol.

    Drinks With Added Sugar

    High sugar corn syrups and other sugar syrups in drinks are some of the worst products for increasing uric acid levels. Sweetened drinks are bad for health in lots of different ways high in calories without any beneficial nutrients, and a significant contributor to tooth decay, so its a good idea to avoid them in general, or at least strictly limit your intake.

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    Do Tomatoes Cause Gout

    Although tomatoes are low in purine, some research suggests they may cause gout flares. In a study of more than 2,000 people diagnosed with gout, 20% said that tomatoes were a trigger, making it the fourth most common trigger food reported. Its unclear why tomato consumption causes gout flares in certain individuals.

    What Sweets Can You Eat With Gout

    The Effects of Oatmeal on Gout

    Chocolate thats not filled with added sugar and sweeteners can offer some benefits to people with gout. Chocolate can lower uric acid crystallization, according to a 2018 study . Lowering uric acid crystallization can be key to controlling your gout.

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    What Are The Foods To Avoid With Gout

    Knowing what foods to avoid with gout can lessen the severe, painful joint attacks of this form of arthritis. Generally, foods that are high in fat should be avoided overall, as weight gain and high cholesterol can contribute to the attacks. Specific foods to avoid with gout include shellfish, anchovies, herring, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, kidney beans, peas, lentils, instant oatmeal, beef, pork, lamb, duck, goose, meat gravies, and organ meats such as kidney, liver, brains and sweetbreads.

    Gout is caused by excess levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid comes from purines, most of which are made by the body but some of which come from ingested food. It can help to eat foods low in purine, such as tomatoes, cereals, grains, pasta, rice and fruit. While heavily processed instant or quick-cooking oatmeal can be bad for gout, slow-cooking oatmeal such as steel-cut Irish oats can be beneficial in the right quantities.

    Oatmeal For Gout: What Is It

    Oats are one of the healthiest types of grains here on earth. Scientifically, it is known as the Avena sativa. This is since they are free of gluten and is one of the great sources of significant minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, as well as fiber. Moreover, studies even show that oatmeal and oats have a lot of benefits that are beneficial for the overall health.

    The oat groats are the most intact as well as a whole form of the oats, thus taking a lot of time to cook it. For this very reason, most people choose the rolled, steel-cut, or the crushed oats. Commonly, oats or oatmeal are eaten for breakfast. This is made by boiling oats in milk or in water. Some often refer to this as porridge. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, oats have already become a very famous health food.

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    Limit Servings To 2 Times Per Week

    The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center recommends limiting your servings of oatmeal to 2 times per week if you have gout or are at higher risk for gout due to a family history of the condition.

    However, dont eliminate oatmeal altogether, as it has other health benefits. Its fiber content helps to promote feelings of fullness and regular bowel movements. According to the Mayo Clinic, it may even reduce risks for high blood pressure.

    Red Meat High In Purines

    Dr. Ken Berry: Gout is caused by Inflammation!

    Purines are found in many animal products with the exception of low-fat dairy foods and eggs. Organ meats , herring, mackerel, anchovies, and trout are particularly rich sources. Beans and peas contain a moderate amount of purine.

    “We don’t clearly understand the ‘whys,’ and there several possible explanations,” Choi tells WebMD. “It might be there’s a different type of purines in meats and seafood than in vegetables, or different foods have different levels of purines. Or maybe the body absorbs purines differently, depending on the food type.”

    The role of food — and in particular, purines — has long been suspected in gout but never proven. And that’s what makes Choi’s study important, say experts.

    “Gout is no longer a disease of the wealthy rather, its appearance reflects an increase in access to fatty meats and a decrease in the intake of dairy products worldwide associated with Westernization,” write Richard J. Johnson, MD, and Bruce A. Rideout, DVM, PhD, in an accompanying editorial.

    “Gout should thus be considered part of the current global epidemic of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. Diets that are rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension , may reduce not only blood pressure, but also the frequency of gout.”

    Show Sources

    TheNew England Journal of MedicineTheNew England Journal of Medicine

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    How Does The Alkaline Diet Help Gout

    So what does the alkaline diet have to do with gout? It raises the pH of urine, which increases the elimination of uric acid from your body 2.

    So what does the alkaline diet have to do with gout?

    • It raises the pH of urine, which increases the elimination of uric acid from your body 2.
    • Less sodium and more potassium in the alkaline diet tends to prevent high amounts of uric acid 1.
    • It contains substantially less purines, the compounds found in high amounts in animal products that form uric acid.
    • It eliminates animal products, which decreases uric acid excretion in urine 3.
    • It benefits kidney function the kidneys are responsible for processing uric acid 4.

    Exclusive Bonus! Download the FREE report 12 Top Ways to Fight Gout & Ease The Pain by .

    What Are Purple Sweet Potatoes

    Purple sweet potatoes, like all other sweet potatoes, are a root vegetable which was discovered in the America. As such, they belong to the Ipomoea genus, and can be divided into two main types: Okinawa and Stokes , with both, having deep, rich purple flesh.

    The Stokes Purple is more common than the Okinawa and its existence can be traced back to 2006. In that year, Mike Sizemore, a sweet potato farmer in North Carolina received a gift of unusual lilac potatoes from an unknown woman. He loved them so much that he began to cultivate them and eventually obtaining a patent.

    For the Okinawan sweet potato, as its name suggests, harks from Japan, though it originated in Central and South America. When explorers discovered these sweet potatoes, they exported them to the Philippines and China in the fifteenth century, before the potato eventually arrived in Japan in the 1600s. The locals of Okinawa were the first to cultivate them, but in time, they were planted all over Japan. Having already travelled over the Pacific, the Okinawan sweet potato made its way back. Finally, ending up in Hawaii, where it also became known as Hawaiian sweet potato. The Hawaiians have exported these purple treasures to the United States up till today.

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    The Dash Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension Diet

    The DASH diet is designed for lowering high blood pressure and can also help with maintaining overall health. On top of managing blood pressure, weight and the risk of some diseases, the DASH diet is also great for those with gout.

    The DASH diet prioritises whole grains, vegetables and fruit as the main part of a healthy diet, with importance also placed on low-fat dairy, lean meats, fish, and plant-based proteins like nuts, seeds, and legumes in smaller portions. Those on a DASH diet are recommended to stick to small amounts of plant oils and minimise animal-based fats.

    Following a healthy diet is just about the best thing you can do for your health, but it is also true that highly restrictive diets can be hard to stick to. Unhealthy foods like sweets, puddings, alcohol and sugary drinks are discouraged, but having small amounts of them purely for pleasure rather than health is usually okay.

    Some people with gout find it helpful to keep a food diary to work out if there are particular triggers for flare-ups and help manage their condition naturally.

    What To Eat To Treat And Prevent Gout

    Oatmeal and Gout: Pros, Cons, and Recommendations

    Avoiding certain foods high in purine and managing weight may help prevent the painful symptoms of gout and stop it from developing in the first place. Understanding how food affects gout and what to eat can help someone manage their symptoms.

    Gout is a form of arthritis that can happen when too much uric acid in the body causes crystals to form in the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation.

    Diet plays an important role in gout as certain foods can cause excess uric acid, or hyperuricemia.

    Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise that eating a healthy diet and avoiding becoming overweight can help someone manage their symptoms.

    This article looks at how a person can eat to manage and prevent gout, including which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.

    When planning a diet for gout, someone should aim to limit or avoid the following types of foods.

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    Chicken Beef And Other Meats Appear To Be Foods To Avoid With Gout

    The conversion of purines to uric acid, in theory, causes gout.

    Therefore high-purine foods are often suspected to trigger symptoms.

    Meat, and to a lesser extent seafood, are prime suspects. This includes all the most common meats like beef, chicken, pork and lamb.

    The data available somewhat confirms suspicions.

    Each additional daily serving of meat or seafood is associated with a 21% or 7% increased risk of gout, respectively . This implies meat could be three times worse than seafood.

    There was another similar study that found even greater risks associated with meat intake, but none for seafood. Overall this suggests seafood is far less of a concern than meat .

    For those who already have gout, the impact of meat intake on symptoms is even worse. This is likely due to sharper increases in blood uric acid, as well as poorer clearance by the body .

    Therefore if you have a history of gout, it is best to dramatically reduce your meat intake, and seafood as well to a lesser extent. Anecdotal evidence suggests avoiding dark part of salmon, and de-veining prawns/shrimp before eating.

    You should also buy your meat direct from the butcher where possible, or at least the better quality choices in the supermarket. Sausages and low-quality ground beef may contain traces of organ meat that can cause big problems .

    Summary: Frequent consumption of meat is strongly linked with gout risk. The impact of seafood appears far less severe, but there is a link.

    Oatmeal Causing Gout Attack

    In summary, Instant Oatmeal have medium level of Purine and is not good for gout. One cannot take too much especially during gout attack. Nevertheless, other types of oat could be good for gout. If you are interested in my gout experience with oatmeal, please read on……NoThe oatmeal I took on Saturday was instant Oatmeal. Finally, I found the killer!Suggested Reading

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    Purine And Sugar Content Of Oatmeal


    Most purine tables give oats / oatmeal as being between 94-100 mg uric acid per 3.5 oz serving.

    Note: Foods with less than 100 mg uric acid per 3.5 oz are generally considered low in purines, while those within 100-200 mg uric acid per 3.5 oz are usually considered to have moderate amounts of purines. Anything over 200 mg is considered high and must to be avoided.

    So oatmeal is recognized as having a low to moderate purine content.

    This is good news for us gout sufferers since it means oats / oatmeal is generally safe to eat as far as its purine content is concerned.


    In terms of its sugar content, oatmeal has hardly any sugar: around 0.5 g of sugar per 3.5 oz serving. So it passes its sugar test.

    But and theres always a but isnt there? theres a problem with commercial oatmeal products with flavorings and other additives. These have added sugars and some brands can have particularly high sugar levels, as much as 22 grams in at least one case. So stay away from them. You can prepare your own oatmeal with fresh ingredients see the video at the end of this article.

    Foods With A High Glycemic Index

    Oatmeal Health Benefits Risks Nutrition

    The glycemic index measures how specific foods affect blood sugar levels.

    Some carbohydrate foods with a higher GI score can spike blood sugar and contribute to weight gain â a risk factor for gout.

    A found that eating lower GI foods lowered uric acid, which may help prevent gout flares.

    People can help to manage gout by avoiding or limiting the following high GI foods:

    • refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and rice
    • cakes, biscuits, cookies, pancakes, and sweet treats
    • higher GI vegetables and fruits, such as potatoes, bananas, and watermelon
    • low-fiber, high-sugar breakfast cereals, such as puffed rice, cornflakes, and frosted flakes

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    Oatmeal For Gout: Is It Beneficial For Gout

    In the actual fact, all of the types of oats are good for the gout diet, and you need not worry about it. Not unless, of course, if you are allergic to it. On the assumption that it is not refined or processed with sugars, it is safe to eat. Oatmeal is a kind of cereal that is not that high in purines or proteins.

    Furthermore, any person who has high levels of uric acid can consume it. Not unless if you are suffering from purine metabolism conditions and illnesses that are in connection with the high levels of uric acid. If this is your case, rather than eliminating oatmeal from the diet, you may talk to your doctor about consuming much smaller portions. In an average, a healthy person consumes about 600-1000 milligrams of purines every day through their own diet. Your doctor might suggest that you reduce the daily consumption of purine to around 100-150 milligrams per day.

    How To Add Stevia To Your Diet

    The most obvious thing you can do is to find a reliable stevia seller. Organic plants without any pesticides are highly recommended for gout sufferers. Stevia isnt a standalone plant, meaning you cannot consume it directly. You will need to use it as a sweetener.

    Try to replace as much sugar usage with stevia as you can. For example, if you like sweet coffee or tea, use stevia instead of ordinary sugar. You will need a much smaller amount, you will get better taste and you will enjoy more.

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    The point is to use stevia to make other foods and beverages sweeter. Keep in mind that it is far more potent than sugar so dont add too much of the plant. Be free to find additional recipes online that include stevia. Master it and make your life sweeter.

    The main fact about stevia and gout connection is that there are no limits. You can use stevia every day if you like. Dont expect some major improvements but minor ones are possible.

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