Friday, September 20, 2024

Is Butter Bad For Gout

So Should You Add Peanut Butter Into Your Gout Diet

Are peanuts bad for gout?

OK so lets try and sum up here

Most importantly for us gout sufferers is the fact that peanut butter is low in purines and has a decent amount of protein, making it a good protein substitute in a healthy gout diet.

Now there are some downsides to it, for example, it contains sodium, saturated fat, sugar, and a lot of calories, which certainly isnt so good on the face of it. But, as you saw above, some of these arent as bad as first feared. For me, calories are the most important factor.

On the other hand peanut butters loaded with vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that your body absolutely needs to protect against things like:

  • diabetes
  • birth defects
  • and for your body to function properly

On balance then, peanut butter can be an excellent addition to your gout diet. However, because of its high calorie content, it should be eaten in moderation perhaps one serving per day.

Finally, many studies have shown that those who regularly include nuts or peanut butter in their diets are less at risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes than those who rarely eat nuts or peanut butter. Worth remembering.

Choose A Diet You Can Live With

If you are overweight, losing weight can protect you from gout flare-ups. However, losing weight fast can do more harm than good for gout, as rapid weight loss can raise uric acid levels in your bloodstream. Avoid fad diets and “crash” diets. Consider consulting a dietician, who can help you choose a diet plan that works for you.

Sweet Corn On The Cob

You can eat sweet corn on the cob. This is the way that its usually eaten.

To eat sweet corn on the cob, you need to remove the corn from the cob. Then you cook the corn on the cob. This means that you remove the corn from its shell.

If you prefer sweet corn that hasnt been on the cob, you can cook it the traditional way.

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Is Peanut Butter Healthy

Pure peanut butter, either smooth or crunchy, is a healthy food. Peanuts are heart healthy. In fact, studies suggest that peanuts lower cholesterol, especially LDL 2. Other nutrients that are plentiful in peanuts and peanut butter are vitamin E, folate, and zinc.

Unhealthy exceptions include peanut butters made with hydrogenated oils and those with added sugars or corn syrup. Fortunately, many peanut butter manufacturers have reformulated products to remove trans-fat from hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Its best to compare labels and select peanut butter with the fewest ingredients.

Things To Cut Down On

Honey and Gout

Meat and seafood

High intakes of red meat and seafood are associated with a greater risk of gout because of their high purine content and impact on uric acid production.

Foods that contain yeast, such as Vegemite and Marmite, are also high in purine.


Fructose is a simple sugar found in honey, fruit, some vegetables and sweeteners. Fructose increases purine metabolism, raising blood uric acid levels.

Avoid sweeteners high in fructose such as honey, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, golden syrup and palm sugar. Check your tolerance for fruits, vegetables and other foods high in fructose.

Uric acid levels tend to be higher in people who regularly consume sugar-sweetened drinks. Those drinking one to two sugar-sweetened soft drinks a day are almost twice as likely to have gout as those who drink only one a month.

When it comes to whole fruit, results are not clear. While one study found a higher risk of gout with higher fruit intakes, another found a lower risk. The opposing results are partly confounded by the variation in fructose content of different fruits.


The effect of specific alcoholic beverages on blood uric acid levels varies. Beer is high in purine and increases uric acid more than spirits, while moderate wine intake appears neutral.

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Peanut Butter And Gout

Peanut butter is one of the worlds favorite spreads. I love it myself and, because youve landed here, Im guessing you do too. But, again because you are here, Im guessing you or someone youre concerned about has gout and youre worried about having peanut butter in your/their diet.

Well, you did the right thing, because us gout sufferers have to be extremely careful about what we consume if we are to eliminate gout flare-ups from our lives. And, remember, gout is linked to some very serious, potentially fatal, health conditions.

So, as a gout victim like me, you need to be aware of the consequences of everything you eat. Here, Im going to look into peanut butter for you its benefits, its dangers, can it be part of a gout diet and, if so, what are the restrictions, if any? Or should it be avoided completely and why?

Foods To Be Eaten In Moderation

Foods like asparagus, beans, lentils, mushrooms, shrimp, spinach, poultry, and fish other than those mentioned bellow should be consumed in moderation. In relation to red meat, poultry, and fish, these can be consumed in a 60 to 90 gram portion daily.

Some people have stated that foods such as strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, and nuts can also cause gout crisis, however, these foods are not rich in purine. Up to now, there is no scientific evidence that confirms whether these foods do indeed cause a gout crisis and why. So, itâs important that you pay attention to your diet so that if you have a crisis, you can be aware of what food caused it in order to avoid it in the future.

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Is Salt Bad For Gout

Higher dietary salt intakes reduce gout triggers: Study. A high-salt diet has been found to lower blood levels of uric acid, a recognised trigger of gout, according to a study by US researchers. The relationship between salt intake and uric acid is controversial, and these results do nothing to quell this debate.

Alcohol Is The Biggest Risk Factor For Gout

What Are The Best and Worst Foods to Eat with Gout

It is well-established that frequent alcohol intake dramatically increases risk of gout .

The Framingham Heart Study of over 4,500 participants provides some perspective.

Researchers found that regular alcohol use was associated with three times greater risk of gout in women compared to those who have less than 2 standard drinks per week. For men, regular drinkers had double the risk of non-drinkers .

Beer seems to be the worst, followed by hard liquors such as spirits. Interestingly, moderate wine consumption is not linked with any risk .

The reason why alcohol increases uric acid levels is still not well-understood. Some forms, particularly beer, can be high in purines but they are certainly not the richest source of purines in our diet.

Additional theories propose that excessive alcohol may also reduce the bodys ability to excrete uric acid. Others state that alcohol especially beer increases the chemical breakdown of purine-containing ATP nucleotides, which is a precursor of uric acid production .

Summary: Regular alcohol intake severely raises uric acid levels in the blood. It doubles, if not triples your risk of gout.

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Ten Tips For Beating Gout

If you have gout, use these nutrition tips to lower your risk:

  • See your GP to check or monitor gout risk factors

  • Drink up to four cups of regular or decaffeinated coffee a day

  • Have two to three serves of reduced-fat or skim dairy foods daily

  • Eat cherries regularly . Add to breakfast cereal and snacks, or mix with yoghurt

  • Avoid fasting and feasting. Both increase purine turnover and blood uric acid

  • But Are They Beneficial

    According to researchers of a study published in 2012 in “Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases,” vegetable protein sources may actually be beneficial to people on a low-purine diet for gout not only because they are lower in purines than animal proteins, but also because they contain other healthy nutrients like fiber and healthy fat. Cashews contain both fiber and healthy fat. One ounce of dry roasted cashew nuts contains about 1 gram of fiber and about 13 grams of fat — which is mainly healthy fat — around 7 grams of monounsaturated fat and around 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat.


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    Foods To Avoid With Gout

    People with gout can have a moderate intake of lean meats such as chicken and turkey. They must, however, avoid organ meats such as liver and kidney as they have higher levels of purines, which can cause gout flares. They should also avoid seafood such as shrimp, mussels, anchovies, sardines and lobster as it tends to contain a higher amount of purines.

    Other foods to be avoided in gout include:

    • Beer and grain liquors such as vodka and whiskey
    • Red meat including lamb and pork
    • Food products containing a high amount of fructose such as soda and some juices, cereal, ice cream, candy and junk food

    Is High Fructose Corn Syrup A Problem

    A Low Purine Diet for Gout Sufferers

    Yes, absolutely. High-fructose corn syrup is a known factor for gout flare-ups because it raises uric acid levels in your body. Its also used in far more pre-packaged and processed foods than you might think. When youre grocery shopping, always check nutrition labels. If corn syrup is an ingredient in a product, dont buy it.

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    Organ Meats Are Extremely High In Purines And Should Also Be Avoided

    Organ meats, known as Offal, contain by far the most purines of any food in the human diet.

    The most common forms of offal in the Western diet include liver , brain, heart, kidneys, and a mixture called Pâté.

    Below is the purine content of a handful of foods. Note this is just an example Ive selected, and you can find much more extensive lists on Goutpal or here.

    Purine Content of Food :

    Consider that values listed are per 100 grams, so portion sizes must be taken into account Meat portions we eat tend to be heaviest.

    Previous studies have not differentiated between intake of conventional meat and offal, so recommendations have to be the same. Given the strong link between meat intake and gout which is based on purine content alone offal should definitely be avoided too.

    Somewhat contradictory to the purine-gout theory, consumption of purine-rich vegetables is not associated with an increased risk of gout .

    Researchers speculate this could be due to a lower bioavailability of purines in vegetabes, as well as other nutrients which may offset the harmful effects of their purines.

    Summary: Organ meats are some of the highest purine foods and should be completely avoided if you suffer gout attacks.

    Tired Of Regular Gout Flare

    If so Ive got some goods news

    The cause of gout is simply too much uric acid build up in your joints. Before you rush to the doctor, you can take steps to fight back against too much uric acid – the safe and natural way!

    Nutritionist Evan Burns, reveals how in his FREE report, with a dozen ways to fight excess uric acid — without prescriptions or steroids!

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    How To Consume Peanuts If You Suffer From Gout

    There are plenty of different peanut types on the market and yes you can consume most of them.

    The best option is raw peanut with the skin on. Peanut skin contains antioxidants that help your body prevent free radical damage. This type is the best for gout patients and the one I frequently consume.

    Salty and roasted peanut is extremely popular. It is safe for us, but it should be consumed in moderation. The issue comes with the salt. An adult will need 1500 mg of sodium per day. The upper maximum is 2300 mg . With salted peanuts, you can easily have a much higher intake of sodium. It can cause problems with high blood pressure.

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    Are Peanuts Good For You


    Peanuts are rich in protein, fat, and fiber. While peanuts may have a large amount of fat, most of the fats they contain are known as good fats. These kinds of fats actually help lower your cholesterol levels. Peanuts are also an excellent source of: Magnesium.

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    Dont Be Scared Of Beans Legumes Vegetables

    The most inconsistent recommendations are for beans, legumes and certain vegetables. No source indicated to avoid these food groups. However, many state they are high risk like some seafood.

    From this particular purine table, beans, lentils and peanuts have far less purines than the other food groups mentioned previously. Therefore, they are not as high-risk for gout. Keep in mind, cured or dried food, such as beans, will have a higher purine concentration per weight because of shrinkage.

    Some sources caution eating asparagus, cauliflower, peas, chickpeas, spinach and broccoli because it contains more purines than most vegetables. However, the purine amounts for asparagus, spinach and broccoli are less than half of pork or beef. Lastly, a recent study concluded purine-rich vegetables are less of a risk than animal based purines.

    Potentially Unhealthy/harmful Aspects Of Peanut Butter

    Saturated Fat

    Saturated fat is a potential red flag. Consuming high amounts of saturated fats increases the cholesterol in your blood which increases your risk of stroke and heart disease.

    But we shouldnt just look at it in isolation but, rather, in terms of its ratio to unsaturated fats

    On average, peanut butter contains around 12.3 grams of unsaturated fat and 3.3 grams of saturated fat . .

    So unsaturated fat accounts for around 79% of the total fat content, much like extra virgin olive oils fat profile, which is universally considered to be very healthy.

    So peanut butter has a lot more good fats than bad fats, by a considerable margin.


    Your body needs sodium it couldnt function without it. One of the important things it does is to maintain water balance in your body. But you have to be very careful not to overdo it, as too much sodium increases blood pressure and the risk of stroke, heart disease, and heart failure.

    The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, ideally 1,500 milligrams per day.

    Now, depending on the brand and product, youll find anything from 5 to 200 milligrams of sodium in a single serving of peanut butter, although that 200 milligrams is more likely to be found in reduced-fat products, which I tend to stay well away from.

    The average is probably around 95 milligrams.



    Too much sugar is linked to weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.


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    Are Mussels Bad For Gout


    . In this way, are mussels high in purines?

    High purine content: Anchovies, codfish, haddock, herring, mackerel, mussels, sardines, scallops, trout. Medium purine content: Crab, lobster, oysters, shrimp. Meat: Though no longer part of a common diet in the United States, organ meats, such as liver, sweetbreads, and brains, are most dangerous for those with gout.

    Also, what vegetables are bad for gout? Eat plenty of vegetables such as kailan, cabbage, squash, red bell pepper, beetroot, but limit the intake of vegetables with moderate purine content such as asparagus, spinach, cauliflower and mushrooms. Eat fruits high in vitamin C such as oranges, tangerines, papaya and cherries.

    Also to know, what seafoods are bad for gout?

    Farewell to FishSome seafood is higher in purines than others. The worst for people with gout are anchovies, codfish, haddock, herring, mackerel, mussels, roe , sardines, scallops, and trout. Salmon appears to be an exception and a better choice of seafood for someone with gout, Sandon says.

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    DONâT: Eat Certain SeafoodCold water fish like tuna, salmon and trout can increase your uric acid levels, but the heart benefit from eating them in moderation may be greater than the gout attack risk. Mussels, scallops, squid, shrimp, oysters, crab and lobsters should only be eaten once in a while.

    A Caution About Vegetables

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    As good as vegetables are in general, some are high in purines, including asparagus, spinach, cauliflower, peas, and mushrooms. However, high-purine vegetables dont seem to aggravate gout the same way that high-purine animal-based foods do, Sandon says, adding that, as long as its a vegetable source, you can eat it. One further precaution when balancing foods and gout: Some dried beans, particularly fava and garbanzo, are high in purines, and you may find you need to avoid them.

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    Some Meat Fish Eggs Beans And Pulses

    Eat these foods in moderation. Having vitamin C with meals can help to improve the absorption of iron, so drink a small glass of orange juice, have a piece of fruit for dessert, or serve up meals with plenty of vegetables. Keep your portions of meat controlled by using your hands as a serving size guide. A serving is about the size and thickness of the palm of your hand.

    Achieve A Healthy Weight

    Obesity may be a primary consideration to reduce levels of uric acid in the blood. Insulin resistance is commonly seen in those who are obese and it may be involved in the development of gout. Insulin resistance has been shown to decrease the amount of uric acid that is cleared in the urine. A condition known as the ‘metabolic syndrome’ is a cluster of symptoms which includes insulin resistance, along with tummy obesity, high blood pressure and abnormal blood fats – for example, high cholesterol. This condition is strongly associated with high uric acid levels, which can be improved with slow, gradual weight loss.

    Weight loss has been shown to improve insulin resistance and therefore reduce uric acid levels in the blood. However, it is important to avoid strict diets such as low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets. These may increase consumption of purines, a compound that breaks down into uric acid. Additionally, rapid weight loss through strict dieting can result in breakdown of tissue. This can temporarily cause a rise in uric acid levels. A gradual, safe weight loss of 1-2 lbs a week can help to achieve an optimal body weight.

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